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Cash Discount

Cash Discount :

Sale of goods on credit is a common phenomenon in any business. When goods are sold on credit the customers enjoy a facility of making payment on some date in the future. In order to encourage them to make the payment before the expiry of the credit period a deduction is offered. The deduction so made is known asĀ cash discount. For example, If Ram purchases goods worth Rs.5,000 on 30 days credit then, as per the terms of contract, he is authorised to make payment 30 days after the date of purchase. If he is offered a cash discount of 2% on payment within 10 days and if he does so, he is entitled to deduct Rs.100 from the invoice price and pay Rs.4,900. In this case Rs.100 is cash discount. But if he does not choose to make payment within 10 days then he will not get any cash discount. In this case he will pay Rs.5,000 after 30 days.


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