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Fake Friendship Quotes and Sayings


Life is all about perception, people learn lessons all of their lives but they don’t always get perception. Cherish love and cherish the friends that are in your life, these are the friends who are with you no matter what. People encounter fake peoples quite often, friends that don’t actually care about you, they only care about their own personal gains.

We need people that support us no matter what because we need that kind of support in life to move forward. You must never get fooled or mistaken because these “Friends” will appear to be good and supportive at first but they will plot in the dark to bring you down. Their friendship only matters to the time when their personal gains are fulfilled.

These quotes and sayings about fake friendship will give you a perspective on what is real and what is fake. Friendships are meant to be developed over time and it takes people a while to get the hang of it. You cannot expect to be very close with friends instantly, you have to work for it, and this goes vice-versa. People cannot expect to be all chummy with you in a short amount of time, they have to earn your love and respect.

Fake Friendship Quotes and Sayings

These quotes and sayings about fake friendship will help you cherish the real friends and family in your life. You can also share these quotes with others to teach them what actually matters and what they should look for in friends. Friends become your family without blood and those are the real kind of people that you need in your life.

Most people want to see you do better, but not doing better than them.

London Mond


The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.

Chris Jammi

Fake People
Fake People

Someone who smiles too much with you can sometimes frown too much with you at your back.

Michael Bassey Johnson


You will never have to question the intentions or integrity of people who have your best interest at heart.

Germany Kent


Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.

George Washington Carver


Hatred imprisons the haters; love opens doors.

Debasish Mridha


A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.

Arnold H. Glasow


Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks.

Waqar Ahmed


No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.

Alice Walker

Fake People
Fake People

The strong-minded rise to the challenge of their goals and dreams. The weak-minded become haters.

Steve Maraboli


Fake friends are like shadows. They follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark.



Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour. True friends are like stars, you don’t always see them but they are always there.

Habeeb Akande


Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself.

Hussein Nishah


People only throw shade on what’s shining.

Genereux Philip


Mindset matters…always. The difference found between the victorious and the envious, the successful and the haters; is mindset.

Steve Maraboli


You create more space in your life when you turn your excess baggage to garbage.

Chinonye J. Chudolue

Fake People
Fake People

Controllers, abusers, and manipulative people don’t question themselves. They don’t ask themselves if the problem is them…they always say the problem is someone else.

Darlene Quimet


Learn to use the criticism as fuel and you will never run out of energy.

Orrin Woodward


It makes no sense to try to extend a friendship that was only meant to be a season into a lifetime.

Mandy Hale


Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away.

Ismail Haniyeh


False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports.

Richard Burton


We never lose friends. We simply learn who the real ones are.



Knowledge planted in truth grows in truth. Strength born of peace loses nothing to hate.



Before you count your friends, make sure you can count on them. Some friends are only around when they want something from you but are never there when you need something from them.

Rashida Rowe


A friend who stands with you in pressure is more valuable than a hundred ones who stand with you in pleasure.

Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Fake People
Fake People

Time passes and you begin to see, people for who they really are and not who they pretend to be.

Scarlet Koop


There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.

Jane Austen


Not all toxic people are cruel and uncaring. Some of them love us dearly. Many of them have good intentions. Most are toxic to our being simply because…they aren’t inherently bad people, but they aren’t the right people for us. And as hard as it is, we have to let them go.

Daniell Koepke


Always sleep with one eye open. Never take anything for granted. Your best friends might just be your enemies.

Sara Shepard


Buy a gift for a dog and you will be amazed at the way it will dance and swerve its tail, but if you don’t have anything to offer it, it won’t even recognize your arrival; such are the attributes of fake friends.

Michael Bassey Johnson


Stay away from lazy parasites, who perch on you just to satisfy their needs, they do not come to alleviate your burdens, hence, their mission is to distract, detract and extract, and make you live in abject poverty.

Michael Bassey Johnson


Share your weaknesses. Share your hard moments. Share your real side. It’ll either scare away every fake person in your life or it will inspire them to finally let go of that mirage called “perfection,” which will open the doors to the most important relationships you’ll ever be a part of.

Dan Pearce


It may…be judged indecent in me to come forward on this occasion; but when I see a fellow-creature about to perish through the cowardice of her pretended friends, I wish to be allowed to speak, that I may say what I know of her character.

Mary Shelley


Better an honest enemy than a false friend.

German Proverb


As I get older, I realize just because I’m invited doesn’t mean I have to accept.

Carlos Wallace

Fake People
Fake People

Trolls and haters are only distractions from your greater purpose. When you achieve your goals and success, not only will the trolls and haters be forgotten, but they will definitely be looked upon as the biggest fools.

Kaitlin Gow


You got nothing to lose. You don’t lose when you lose fake friends.

Joan Jett


If people are hating on you it’s often because they are: 1. Threatened by you, 2. Jealous of you or 3. Feeling like you’re above them so they put you down to feel better about themselves. The greatest people have haters for a reason, so take it as a compliment.

Jeanette Coron


Sometimes it’s not the person who changes, it’s the mask that falls off.

Mhaj Porras


True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance.

Henry David Thoreau


A friendship that can cease has never been real.

St. Jerome


If you are not going to be a comfort, have the decency to be an empty space.

Jennifer Crusie


You would always have undesired people around you but desired ones are least likely.

Pushpa Rana


We teach people how to treat us.

Dr. Phil


Fire false friends as early as possible. Do it before they dig out the dream seeds you’ve planted. The earlier, the better; the quicker, the safer.

Israelmore Ayivor


Being betrayed is one of the most valuable lessons life can teach.

Shania Twain


Lovers have a right to betray you, friends don’t.

Judy Holliday


Humans are more venomous than snakes.

Atef Ashab Uddin Sahil


At some point you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.

Sandi Lynn


An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.


Fake People
Fake People

Life is all about losing friends, the people you know. So, just that you get better at finding the ones worth suffering for.

Mohit Kaushik


We never lose friends, fake ones are exposed.

Carlos Wallace


Being too nice is a crime today. Fake friends are everywhere around you. They will use you and when you are of no use, throw you away like a wrapper.



Always be careful of your friend who loves your enemy; you either trust such a fellow for your life or for your death!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah


Friendships are meant to be cherished and loved, with these people in your life all difficulties become easier. These quotes and sayings about fake friendships will make you cherish the real friends in your life. Hold these people close to your heart, you never know when you will need them the most.
