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Five of the Best Motivational Speeches of All Time


When successful people decide they want to pass on the lessons from their lives and experiences, they will do so through motivational speeches. Such a speech is an opportunity to encourage others to have the boldness to make their dreams come true.

Can you gain anything from listening to motivational speeches? The answer is that yes, you can. Speeches by successful individuals from different walks of life, including the worlds of business, show business, and politics, are meant to be inspirational. They stress the importance of you as an individual, and that your hopes and dreams are important too. The purpose of a motivational speech is to inspire you to go away and act to secure your future.

These motivational speeches come in many forms, ranging from Commencement Speeches at Universities or Colleges through to speeches made at business events and in support of charitable foundations.Usually, a speech will be directed at a particular audience, but the message contained in it will be universal.

Try to see the inspirational speaker as a trigger for your own action. They have already achieved success and have traveled the road you wish to follow. Only you can ultimately motivate yourself, but these successful people have already done that, so they do have relevant advice to pass on to you.

Listen to what they have to say, for much of it will be wise and appropriate advice. Motivational speakers are trying to get you to think for yourself, to believe in yourself, and to apply well-tested strategies for yourself.

See Also: Abraham Lincoln Quotes (426 Quotes)

Jim Morrison Motivational Speech

A great example of one person who gave the world many words of wisdom was Jim Morrison. He spoke of freeing yourself from fear by facing up to the thing you fear the most. Once you have done that – then fear itself loses all its power and no longer has a hold over you. For many, freedom itself is to be feared.

When you are safe in a cocoon of security and routine, breaking away will be difficult. You will fear the consequences of going it alone, of taking that one big step into the world that you will have to do to achieve your dream. If you have already faced your worst fear, then taking this step towards your goal in life will no longer seem as scary.

When Jim Morrison was talking about facing up to fear, motivational speeches were rare. Today, motivational speeches are a tried and tested method of inspiring people into action. These five are among the best inspirational speeches.

There are themes running through all five of these speeches, and it is worth your while to listen to them or read them.

Steve Jobs Motivational Speech

Steve Jobs, in his speech, concentrates on time. At the time he gave the speech, he had endured surgery for cancer.This made him acutely aware of the limited amount of time we each have. While we all have the freedom to choose how we spend our time, he urges us to make the best use of it that we can.

Steve Jobs believed that each one of us has huge potential and much to offer the world. He used his remaining time to inspire others to realize their full potential. The Inch By Inch speech that is given by Al Pacino’s character in the film Any Given Sunday is dedicated to overcoming obstacles in life and making the most of every opportunity we encounter.

The speech uses football as a metaphor for real-life comparing the breaks a player gets in a football game with the breaks we get in our lives. The breaks are there, and we have to be able to recognize them and use them to our advantage.

Recognizing breaks means being in the right place at the right time. For those who are aware and in tune with their ambitions, spotting opportunities will become easier. The next step is to have the confidence and determination to pursue them.


See Also: Barack Obama Quotes (181 Quotes)

Bill Gates Motivational Speech

Bill Gates’ speech is dedicated to the importance of education and life-long learning. He left education to pursue opportunities that had opened up for him. His education, though, did not stop there. There was much to learn about the whole world that he absorbed and put to good use in building his companies.

This complements the point made by Al Pacino’s character that knowledge aids our ability to recognize opportunities. A knowledgeable football player will be the one that is in the right place at the right time to make the tackle or pick up the loose ball. Similarly, a knowledgeable business person can see the chances for new business and grab them before their rivals.

Jim Carrey Motivational Speech

Both J K Rowling and Jim Carrey talk about risk and failure in their speeches. Jim Carrey believes that risk-taking is a positive thing to do and can lead to great success. Sometimes, he says, following the safe option can be just likely to fail and following a high-risk choice.

If the chances of failing are the same, then why not go for the risky option? Should it succeed, then the rewards will be much greater, and the feeling of achievement that much stronger.


See Also: Motivational Quotes (610 Quotes)

J K Rowling Motivational Speech

J K Rowling supports this view by saying we should not fear failure. Deciding to do something, and then failing, is much better than not doing it, and not knowing whether it would have failed or succeeded. We all will learn from attempting something that fails.

When we try again, the lessons learned from the first attempt we can use to avoid failure the next time around.She also suggests that if we fear failure, but take on the task anyway, we will work harder to ensure that it does not fail—Jim Carrey’s encouragement to take risks ties in with the fear of failure.

Taking risks leads to working harder to avoid failure. The success when it comes will be so much more satisfying. We can see that, in turn, this means that risk-taking is a good strategy, as it needs determination, hard work, and confidence. All of these are qualities that make for a successful person.
