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Need for Providing Depreciation:

Need for Providing Depreciation:

The need for providing depreciation in accounting records arises due to any one or more of the following reasons.

1. To ascertain correct profit / loss

For proper matching of cost with revenues, it is necessary to charge depreciation against revenue in each accounting year, to calculate the correct net profit or net loss.

2. To present a true and fair view of the financial position

If the amount of depreciation is not provided on fixed assets in the books of account, the value of fixed assets will be shown at a higher value than it’s real value in the balance sheet. As such it will not reflect the true and fair financial position of the business. Hence, to present a true and fair view of the financial position of the business, it is necessary that depreciation must be deducted from the book value of the assets in the balance sheet.

3. To ascertain the real cost of production

For ascertaining the real cost of production, it is necessary to provide depreciation.

4. To comply with legal requirements
As per Section 205(1) of the Companies Act 1956, it is compulsory for companies to provide depreciation on fixed assets before it declares dividend.

5. To replace assets
Depreciation is provided to replace the assets when it becomes useless.


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